Almost all the services provided in ”YADO NIHON” managed by General Incorporated Associations Japan Ryokan & Hotel Association can be used without providing your personal information. Please note, however, that part of our service can not be used without providing your personal information.
We, YADO NIHON, do not collect your personal information without your permission. It is possible for users not to provide personal information on your own judgment if you do not wish to provide your personal information. In addition, we clarify the purpose beforehand when we ask for your personal information in the case below:
We, "YADO NIHON", define personal information as follows. The term "personal information" means information about a individual such as name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, access logs of "YADO NIHON", inquiry details etc., which can identify the individual.
We, YADO NIHON, do not use users' personal information for purposes other than the purpose of use which we present to you beforehand.
We, "YADO NIHON", do not disclose users' personal information to a third party. The information provided by users shall not be disclosed to any third parties except as to the cases below:
Users' personal information is managed appropriately and carefully in "YADO NIHION". We implement strict security measure in order to prevent unauthorized access from outside, loss, misuse, and falsification. Users' personal information is stored under a secure environment (management of visiting and leaving a site, password management) where people who do not have access authority can not access.
The term "cookie" means the system which provides exchange of information between web server and browser. We, "YADO NIHON" use cookies for the purpose of providing users with the optimally-customized website and services, with the information we acquired from users' browsers.
We, "YADO NIHON", comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the personal information we acquired from users and other rules. We, "YADO NIHON", may change the policy of personal information protection in our site in accordance with the change of the laws and regulations and other rules we shall obey in order to protect customers' personal information more firmly.